Support package energy costs for students

Are you dealing with higher energy costs? Then read further to see what the municipality can do for you!
Photo: Pixabay.
Photo: Pixabay.
Photo: Pixabay.
Photo: Pixabay.

Not only the costs of daily groceries have increased lately. Energy prices have increased as well. As a student it is difficult enough to make ends meet of course. Fortunately the municipality of Groningen has come up with something for this. The municipality has established a support package for anyone who is no longer able to pay for their increasing energy costs. Please note: this is a different thing from the ‘energietoeslag’.

Through a special website of the municipality, it is now possible for students to appeal for this support package as well. Are you older than 21 and is your income no higher than 120% of the wellfare norm? Then it is possible to appeal for the special package energy costs. To make it easier for students, there is no income test from november 1st on. This means that you don’t have to declare your savings for example. The energy contract doesn’t have to be in your name as well.

Income that you do need to declare is the amount of your student finance as a whole. The standard amount for HBO-WO for 2022 is € 932,87. The standard amount MBO for 2022 is € 766,06. Income of secondary jobs counts as well.

Information that you need for the appeal:
– The annual cost overview from your energy company.(Or: proof of the amount of your advance payment).
– Specification of your income.
– Copy of a bank statement to verify your bank account number.

Make things easier for yourself and check whether you can appeal. For more info, please check the website of the municipality of Groningen. Good luck!

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Foto: Stella Dekker.

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